How to place an order
To shop on the website, you can start by logging into your account, by clicking on the "LOG IN" button at the top right corner. If you are a new customer, you can register, by clicking on the same button. It is not necessary to log in or register, you can shop without logging. However please consider registering on our website - it will help you to keep all the information about your orders and offers applicable to you on hand.
You can browse our website by choosing from different categories listed at the top of the menu. To get more information about specific product, click on a product and its product page will open. There, you can find information about its features, material and care instructions, etc.
Upon choosing a product, please remember to check out our SIZE GUIDE that will advise you on the right size and then simply click on "ADD TO CART".
You can either continue shopping or go to your cart to complete your order.
You can access your cart and see products you have added into it, by clicking on the cart icon at the top right corner (VIEW CART). There, you can change quantity of the products or remove items from your cart. You can also add a note for us or add a promo code, if you have any available.
If you are happy with your order, click on BUY NOW or PayPal checkout.
After clicking on BUY NOW, if you are not logged in, fill in delivery and billing address, contact details, choose the payment and delivery option. For logged in customers, this information has already been saved.
Before confirming your purchase, make sure you have read our Store policy and Privacy Policy. By clicking on PLACE ORDER, you are confirming your purchase. THANK YOU page will appear and you are going to receive an email confirming that we have registered your order, after you place it.